Indoor Playhouse
So my husband and I had been using this unfinished room for storage when I got antsy to start a worthwhile project. I'd had a minor foot surgery and had been stuck in a slump and needed to get going on something productive. This was a completely unfinished space above our garage and it had a large storage space in the trusses. I decided it was too big of a storage space not to utilize it for a playhouse for the kids and began scheming about the most practical (yet completely frivolous) design.
Looking back this was a big project and it's difficult to retrace my steps because this space was started from scratch. First I had to run baffles and insulation (which is always super fun. NOT!) and then we had to think through the duct work that would need to be run through the storage space to heat and cool the main room, not to mention this space is also where the dryer vent and a bathroom vent needed to be vented from. So I began working on all this stuff after the kids were in bed. I even ran all the ductwork, staying up till 2 am or so (who knows how many nights). The ductwork also had to be routed through the garage below.
We also had to finish all the drywall and frame out the playhouse door (in a way that it could later be knocked out for a closet). Oh yeah, and the floors needed to be put down in the storage space and electric ran. My husband also cut in a window, which always requires extra framing and prep. I also framed out box outs around the duct work to serve as a wrap around bench in the playhouse. I'm tired and overwhelmed just thinking back to it all. Anyways, we got it done. I've not taken any pics of the whole room but plan to soon. DIY projects seem to have a life all of there own and this one was no exception. (Sort of like FRANKENSTEIN, next thing you know, you've created a monster)
I decided to fake some dimension with the facade of the house by adding a roof that stuck out just enough and
high enough that the kids couldn't and wouldn't run into it. So I framed up the gable and added the rest of the pitch from there. I thought it would be cool to have shingles (that weren't unneccessarily heavy or difficult) and it came to me to use colorful cardstock as the shingles. Crazy me, cut the dog ear shape on the miter saw by nipping off the corners of the stack after taping them up really tight. Next I shingled
the roof, :) using my air stapler....By now you already know I'm a freak, so I won't be too shy to tell you I then clear coated the roof too. To top it all off, all it seemed to be missing was siding and Frogtape Shapetape seemed perfect for the job.
I need to get some newer pics of the room but for now I'll leave you with the one at the bottom which is one of my kids and their friend (at least that's what they called him), Tom Bury from Restaurant Impossible (and the only one I could find, so I had an excuse to name drop ;) ) ...Frogtape did a little promo video here and Tom was here for that, which was pretty cool.